On Monday, Feb 6th YIS Had the 100th Day assembly. Students enjoyed a song and a dance, as well as learned about our new Waste sorting system led by the StuCo (Students Leaders)!
We ended the morning with the “100 days, 100 photos” video a lovely cake!!
The 100th Day of School is a symbolic celebration of students’ achievements during the academic year. The event evolved to develop students’ understanding and recognition of numbers up to 100. It is ideal for supporting math milestones from pre-kindergarten up to second grade. However, this can be extended to other disciplines.
At YIS Mandalay, reaching the first 100 days of school is a huge milestone that reflects the resilience of our community and the arduous work and commitment of our teaching and administrative teams! We waited a long time for our beautiful campus to open and we could not be more grateful now that it is up and running! Every learning day counts!!
Our students are 100 Days Smarter!
☎️ To learn more about our elementary school, please call 09 777 60 3000 or message us to schedule an appointment.