Technology and Resources

Technology and Resources

The ability to use technology is critical to our student’s success and provides many avenues for opportunity and expression in all areas of our curriculum, including the visual arts, music, physical education, electives, and core courses, for students from elementary through to 12th grade.

In elementary school, students use technology to transform their learning by not only accessing educational apps and resources, but also by recording, reflecting upon, and recognizing their own growth. Elementary students learn about digital citizenship and responsible use of technology. Students love programming their robots to do ever-more impressive things.

Middle school students are encouraged to bring a device to school, to use with the permission of each classroom teacher for specific objectives. Middle school students integrate current events analysis, research, and presentation skills into their studies using technology in meaningful ways.

In high school, students are required to participate in a 1:1 laptop program. Classes utilize Google Classroom. Students apply problem solving and engineering skills through technology in curricular and co-curricular activities, as they will in the world after YIS.

During the recent pandemic Yangon International School was able to quickly and effectively migrate to home learning for all students to ensure the learning continued even when the campus was not accessible.

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